Elliot True Giordano

Elliot True Giordano

Andrea gave birth to her second child this week and he is WONDERFUL! Please join me in welcoming Elliot True Giordano into the world!

I have had many successes in business and several exciting adventures in life, but nothing compares to the importance of family. I cherish my family above all things, and my new nephew Elliot is no exception!

He is going to be a force of good in this world and his positive personality will be unstoppable and contagious. His inner strength will be unmatched and he will be a covering of protection for those around him!

My nephew Elliot is a game-changer (click for definition) and has already had a profound impact on who I am.

Both Andrea and the baby are healthy and safe. Andrea has written some content before Elliot was born that will be published in the coming days.

All the best to you and yours!

A very proud, Uncle Josh

Vocabulary Explosion Course!

Join the waiting list for my Vocabulary Explosion video course. Perfect if you're studying for an exam like the TOEFL or IELTS exams.

Great, I will be in touch soon about my Vocabulary Explosion Course!