This episode of “Walk with Andrea” is focused on the genius works of American writer and poet, Dr. Seuss. Dr. Seuss is a master of rhyming like none other in American history. Most of kids in America are raised reading his works and it works wonders for non-native English speakers as well. Read Dr. Seuss’ works to your students, or even take them to the new movie Lorax. To ignore the ridiculous skill and mastery of language and rhythm demonstrated by Dr. Seuss in your classroom makes your job harder and prevents your students from experiencing one of the greatest writers in history. Enjoy this episode of “Walk with Andrea”!

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Vocabulary Explosion Course!

Join the waiting list for my Vocabulary Explosion video course. Perfect if you're studying for an exam like the TOEFL or IELTS exams.

Great, I will be in touch soon about my Vocabulary Explosion Course!