Money, Money, Money, Money!

There are dozens of ways to talk about money without actually saying the word “money”. Most of these slang terms would never be used in a bank, but they are certainly popular. Here are 25 of my favorites along with their meaning, followed by 8 idioms about money.

Slang Terms for Money

Benjamins: one-hundred-dollar bills (due to the portrait of Benjamin Franklin on the bills)
Bill: a single piece of paper money
Bones: dollars 
Bucks: dollars 
Cabbage: paper money
Cash: paper money
Cheddar: money 
Clams: dollars (perhaps from the onetime use of seashells as currency)
Coin: money, either paper or coinage
C-notes: multiples of one hundred dollars 
Dough: money in general
Five-spots: five-dollar bills
Greenbacks: paper money 
G: one thousand dollars
Grand: one thousand dollars (as in “four grand” for “four thousand dollars”)
Lettuce: paper money
Loot: money, could mean stolen
Moolah: money
Ones: dollars 
Scratch: money 
Singles: one-dollar bills
Stacks: multiples of a thousand dollars
Ten-spot: ten-dollar bill
Two bits: twenty-five cents; this is an antiquated term
Wad: a bundle of paper money

Idioms About Money

Now that you have 25 new ways to talk about money, let me give you 8 money-related idioms. Check out this infographic from Kaplan International to take the money talk one step further.

Kaplan MONEY

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