Face the Music

Today: What does “Face the Music” Mean?

To face the music means to accept responsibility for your decisions and confront the outcome of your decisions. If you are going to lead people and be successful, you need to take ownership of your decisions and face the music no matter what the outcome. Music is a wonderful thing, but it has nothing to do with the practical use of the idiom “face the music.”

An example of this in my life was when I made a spelling mistake on an email for one of my clients. I had to face the music and tell my boss of the mistake I made and go through a quality review. Winston Churchill once said, “The price of greatness is responsibility.” That’s why I decided to take responsibility for my spelling error even though it was uncomfortable.

If you want to be great or be successful at business, you need to start embracing responsibility and take every chance you can to face the music for your actions.

This is an excerpt of an ebook written by our team member, Josh Michael, and it is titled 15 Essential English Business Idioms. This idiom, as well as 14 other business idioms will prepare you for further success in the workplace. If you want this for yourself or for a friend you know, purchase it for just $4.99 by clicking the “Buy Now” button.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

Happy learning!


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