Welcome Elliot True Giordano

Welcome Elliot True Giordano

Elliot True Giordano Andrea gave birth to her second child this week and he is WONDERFUL! Please join me in welcoming Elliot True Giordano into the world! I have had many successes in business and several exciting adventures in life, but nothing compares to the...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

We are so excited for the coming year and look forward to adding hundreds of new videos. If there is a topic or subject you would like us to cover… just comment below or post on our facebook wall. Happy New Year from the...

Stare at a blank page

If you are not in the habit of doing this… get a blank piece of paper or a blank whiteboard and give yourself 5 minutes to do nothing else but stare at the blank page with a pen or marker in your hand. It sounds weird, but don’t even come with an idea of...
Temporary Billboard

Temporary Billboard

This picture was taken at Clingman’s dome in the Smoky Mountain National Park in Tennessee this past weekend. We don’t have money for an actual billboard, so I had to make due and carve our website address into the frost that accumulated on the pathway up...

More to come…

Hey everyone, we are totally aware that right now (August 23rd, 2011) there are far to few posts in this category. That being said, there will be more posts up shortly. We are currently working to get all of our old content plus new content up on the site ASAP. We are...
Using Time to Your Advantage

Using Time to Your Advantage

I was reading over at Seth Godin’s blog this morning and was struck by his latest post on timing rewards. (please read) This post appeals to the business person in me, but also applies to English Language Learners (ELLs). For the students/ELLs reading...