What does “at odds” mean?

What does “at odds” mean?

What does the idiom “at odds” mean? Idioms are words or phrases that have a figurative meaning instead of a literal meaning. These can be difficult to learn, but by watching the English video below, you can at least learn the definition of the idiom, at...
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from ESL Basics. We are so blessed to have such wonderful viewers. Have a happy holiday and a wonderful new year! If you would like us to make an English video for you, just leave a comment below with your question or the vocabulary word you need...
Significance of Error Analysis

Significance of Error Analysis

ATTENTION TEACHERS ON TO THE POST... ***This is a guest post from Neha Joshi, used by permission from EnglishTeachingDaily.com*** Significance of Error Analysis in Language Teaching and Learning by Neha Joshi In order to analyze learners’ errors in a proper...
Significance of Error Analysis

Inside-Out Grammar

There’s an epidemic in the world of English teaching. Though a cure exists, many teachers swear the cure won’t help. In fact, they claim that the epidemic is the cure. It’s an upside-down way of thinking, for sure. What is this epidemic? It’s...
Time Away

Time Away

Mike, Andrea, and North Giordano We obviously have not been posting as often as we would have hoped for the last few weeks, but we have good reason. Andrea gave birth to a healthy baby boy named North. The picture below was taken a few days after North’s...

Fresh Start

Do you ever just need a fresh start? I’m at that place in life right now. Not only did we just re-launch ESLbasics.com, but we just kicked off a new semester at C.U., and I’m literally days away from having my first child. Fresh start, indeed. Fresh starts...