To my fellow English teachers:

You teach the world. The minds that sit in your classroom day after day are future thought leaders, world shapers, mothers and fathers. They come to you for English, which is currency in this modern age. And you teach them how to spend it liberally and wisely. In the...
How to handle problem students

How to handle problem students

If you’ve spent any time teaching, you’ve had problem students. They are kids who, despite your desperate pleas, refuse to submit their homework, stay seated in their desks, or even show up to class. Each semester, you hope you won’t have them, but...
What is coercion?

What is coercion?

Being forced to do something is never fun. When someone coerces you they are using power, intimidation or threats to control you and make you act in a certain way. An example of coercion would be if your boss told you to finish a project by Friday or you would not...
What is a buffoon?

What is a buffoon?

Clowns are goofy and they like to make people laugh by acting silly. Some might say they are buffoons. Calling someone a buffoon in regular life is not a very nice thing to say, but it refers to someone who is ridiculous, a fool or even stupid. Have you ever met...
What is a bobblehead?

What is a bobblehead?

What is a bobblehead? A bobblehead is a type of toy that typically has a stiff body and a large wobbly head that moves back and forth. My dad gave me and my husband a bobblehead toy  on our wedding day that was created to look especially like us. What is your favorite...