Does Dating Improve Your English?

Does Dating Improve Your English?

I met Aimee when she came in as a beginning student. She couldn’t understand a lot of what I said, and she had to sit and think anytime she wanted to say something. For the first semester of English classes, she did her homework, studied hard, and saw some...
Weather-Related Idioms and Phrases

Weather-Related Idioms and Phrases

Weather-Related Idioms This winter in the United States, we have experienced bizarre cold streaks, polar vortices, and snow days galore. Even in a normal year, the weather is a constant source of conversation with everyone you meet, but this year, weather talk has...
10 Words You Should Know for an Interview

10 Words You Should Know for an Interview

How to describe yourself in an interview Job interviews can be intimidating. Especially when they aren’t in your native language! That’s why it’s important to know key words that can help present yourself in the best possible way. Here are 10 words...
What does the dog say?

What does the dog say?

Does Your Dog Say Ham, Gav, or Woof? Thanks to Ylvis, we know what the fox says. But what does the dog say? Depending on the language you speak, your dog could say gav (Russian), guau (Spanish), voff (Icelandic), meong (Korean), blaf (Dutch), ham (Romanian) or woof...
Creative Ways to Say You Are Happy!

Creative Ways to Say You Are Happy!

Happy Learning! If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I quite frequently sign off with the catch phrase “Happy Learning!” It’s my belief that happy, motivated learners make the best language learners. Noted...
5 Simple Tense Verb Rules

5 Simple Tense Verb Rules

5 Simple Tense Verb “Rules” Verb tenses are confusing. It’s sometimes difficult to know when to use the simple tense, even though it’s generally the first tense that people learn. Here are 5 general rules you can follow when you think about...
15 Rules For Using A Comma

15 Rules For Using A Comma

15 Rules For Using A Comma Commas are tricky. As an ESL teacher, I have seen commas misused in dozens of ways. So how do you use commas correctly? One simple trick I share with my students is that if they read a sentence out loud, they will hear themselves momentarily...
How to Use Podcasts for English Learning

How to Use Podcasts for English Learning

How to Use Podcasts for English Learning We have a special post today from my new friends Lindsay and Gabby from They recorded a special podcast for the ESL Basics community to teach you how to integrate podcasts into your English language learning...