Truths About Learning English

Two Truths About Learning English

If you learn English for any period of time, you will soon learn that learning a second language is HARD. Not just a little bit hard. Really hard. At the very same time, you will also learn that learning English is valuable.

Learning English as a second language is hard.

Why? Because it involves rebuilding everything you know about grammar, vocabulary, sound, and thought processes. Language is more than just memorizing words. It’s about using parts of your brain that you didn’t know you could use. It’s about submerging yourself into another way of thinking (culture). It’s about growth.

There will be days you feel like quitting. There will be days where you brain will be so tired that you will feel convinced that you can’t possibly listen to one more English word. Learning English is hard. It is for the curious. It is for the persistent. It is for the brave.

Learning English as a second language is valuable.

When you speak English, you are speaking the same language that 2 billion other people speak. No language is spoken in more countries than English. That means you are able to travel more, connect more, and experience more that the world has to offer. English is not better than other languages. It is more widely used. 

When you speak English as an additional language, you are able to make friends who look different than you. You are able to qualify for better jobs. And you are able to expand the limits of your own world.

So keep on, brave one. Keep studying, keep listening, and keep speaking. Keep learning English, even when it’s hard, because this journey is a valuable one. As a way to encourage you, use this link to save 20% on my ebook, 21 Ways to Jumpstart Your English Skills.

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