Establishing Learning Communities
I recently sat in on a professional development session focused on the idea of creating “learning communities” in the classroom and online. The presenter touted “high engagement“, “intrinsic motivation” and “enhanced teamwork” as high values in his classrooms.
Ironically, the presenter of the session took the entire hour to lecture our group of 30 educators. It was the exact opposite of creating learning communities. I was no more connected to any of my fellow “students” than when I walked out of the session. We were NOT a community of learners. We simply were a silent audience while we listened to him read his power point slides. Unfortunately for this presenter, this was a missed opportunity to not only talk about creating learning communities, but model one.
This got me thinking about how many of us as educators preach communicative and communal learning, all while keeping ourselves on a pedestal…
• Untouchable
• Unapproachable
• Unquestionable
We must practice what we preach when it comes to student engagement and student-centeredness.
So enough from me. If you’re an educator, in what ways do you create learning communities in your classroom? If you’re a student, when have you felt the most a part of a learning community? What did the teacher do to shape that environment? Facebook, tweet, or e-mail me your ideas. Can’t wait to hear them!